Colors are an integral part of the visual identity. Please make sure to download the appropriate file type for the chosen medium.


Logo colors



Contrast on color

The color visual identity on a white background (1) is the preferred and optimal application. Only this version is available for download. For black and white and reversed versions, please request them at

The black and white version (2) can be used on a light background in publications that do not allow for the use of color. In some cases, the visual identity can be applied in reverse on a colored background or on a photo, but this should be done with discretion (3). Examples (4) and (5) demonstrate acceptable applications as they maintain good readability.

Full-color visual identity on a white background (1)Full-color visual identity on a white background (1)

Black and white visual identity on a white background (2)/Black and white visual identity on a white background (2)

Inverted visual identity on a colored background (3)Inverted visual identity on a colored background (3)

Black visual identity on a light background (4)Black visual identity on a light background (4)

Inverted visual identity on a dark-toned background (5)Inverted visual identity on a dark-toned background (5)