Client couples

Meeting with a client couple brings some of your obligations to the forefront: some specific situations may raise questions about how to properly conduct your business.

Download the Guide to Helping Couples Manage Their Finances and read the information below about your obligations, which remain intact and applicable to both spouses, even if they are in love and seem to share everything!


Know your client

Duty to inform

Updating client files

Protection of personal information

Conflict of interest

Things to remember:

By considering both clients and analyzing their situation individualy, you will gain insights that allow you to:

— Raise your clients' awareness.

— Identify harmful impacts caused by the way they manage their finances and, if applicable, help them remedy the situation.

— Raise questions they may not have thought of.

— Adapt your recommendations.

In short, the ultimate goal of these requirements and best practices is for you to act in the best interests of both your clients and promote their financial health.

New :

The Act respecting family law reform

Helping couples manage their finances

Download the Guide to Helping Couples Manage Their Finances.

Download a list of resources for your clients on the differences between marriage and common-law relationships.

For further information

CEC: Can love and money work together?


Client relationships


Dossier: Love & Money