CSF announces the membership of its advisory committees for training and professional development, and for regulatory monitoring
Appointed for the period 2024-2026, the members of these committees will play a strategic role in advising the Board of Directors on key financial sector issues. These committees have been set up to provide targeted expertise, guide strategic decisions and support the CSF in pursuing its mission of protecting the public.
Professional Training and Development Committee
This advisory committee focuses on the training and professional development trends and needs of CSF members and advises on the training offered to CSF members.
Here is the list of members, followed by the company they are affiliated with:
- Florent Francoz, Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec
- Caroline Gagnon, Distinction Assurance et services financiers
- Meriem Hamza, Banque Nationale du Canada
- Clément Hudon, représentant autonome
- Marc-André Lebel, Mica Capital
- Valérie Lemieux, IG Gestion de patrimoine
- Hélène Morin, Desjardins Cabinet de services financiers
- Asri Yves Ohin, Banque Royale du Canada
Sylvain Savoie, IA Groupe financier
Regulatory Monitoring and Compliance of Practices Committee
It is an advisory committee whose main role is to keep abreast of regulatory trends in the distribution of financial products and services, as well as aspects relating to professional ethics and compliance.
Here is the list of members, followed by the company they are affiliated with:
- Veronica Alvarez, BLCServices Financiers
- Me Pascale Apold, IA Groupe financier
- Marc Binette, Services en placements Peak
- Me Yvan Morin, Mica Capital
- Denis Petit, représentant autonome
- Melissa Germain, Services en placements Peak
- Laurie Therrien, Investia Services financiers IA
- Felice Torre, représentant autonome
- Me Philippe-Antoine Truchon-Poliard, Desjardins sécurité financière investissements
The CSF would like to extend its warmest thanks to all those who responded to the call for candidacy and expressed their interest in contributing to the work of its advisory committees. Your commitment and willingness to lend your expertise to the CSF's mission of protecting the public are invaluable in achieving the organization's objectives.