Déonto Plus

Chambre de la sécurité financière
3 PDUs

Déonto Plus is the CSF’s mandatory course on compliance for 2023-2027. It was developed according to the best instructional design practices. Its goal is to help you acquire, understand and apply theoretical and technical skills pertaining to compliance with standards, ethics and professional practice.

This e-learning course includes three interactive modules that take approximately an hour to complete but that you can do so at your own pace. The course covers various aspects of compliance pertaining to the duty of information, competency and business development.

The first module recommends strategies to help you build a relationship of trust with your client, enhance your active listening skills, and respond in an appropriate manner to behavioural biases. The second module focuses on the importance of maintaining and developing your competencies – especially when it comes to cybersecurity. Finally, the third module explores various aspects of promoting your products and services, notably through social media.

This CE course is for all advisors.

  • Interactive
  • Duration: 3 hours
  • Must be completed from start to finish to earn your PDUs (no evaluation)
  • Can be paused and resumed where you left off
  • Prerequisite: none
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