The financial needs analysis

Chambre de la sécurité financière
2 PDUs

Without an exhaustive FNA, it is not possible to provide a client with professional advisory services.

The FNA is not a formality to be taken lightly – it is the advisor’s personal obligation.

This CE activity will allow you to have a better grasp of the elements required to carry out a thorough financial needs analysis. You will then be able to issue the most suitable recommendations for your client’s needs and situation.

You will learn more how the regulatory and ethical requirements pertaining to the FNA can improve your practice and solidify the relationship of trust between you and your client.
This CE course is specifically for advisors in:
  • Insurance of persons

Features You might also like:
  • Other training activities included in The Concepts in insurance of persons program (some are available in French only)
* It is not mandatory to follow this program to register for this CE course.
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