Legal concepts relating to individual insurance

Chambre de la sécurité financière

Helping your clients understand the legal implications of a contract is a sign of professionalism.

When you recommend insurance of persons products and services to your clients, you need to understand the technical and legal aspects of these products and services. This applies to both life insurance and accident or sickness insurance.

This CE activity addresses the characteristics of individual insurance contracts, including general legal concepts, the obligations of the advisor and the insured, exclusions, the rules for designating a beneficiary, and the conditions under which a contract enters into effect.

It will allow you to gain a solid understanding of the rules and conditions that govern insurance products. You’ll therefore be able to transmit this knowledge to your clients to help them understand what they are purchasing. This training activity will also address your obligations as well as your client’s obligations. This will help ensure every party complies with the rules governing the contract.

This CE course is specifically for advisors in:

  • Insurance of persons

  • Included in The Concepts in insurance of persons program*
  • Online training activity including questions with feedback
  • Duration: 1h15
  • Multiple-choice summative evaluation to be completed online
  • Passing mark: 60%
  • Prerequisite: none
* It is not mandatory to follow this program to register for this CE course.
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