The VRSP: Getting the facts to provide informed advice (sector: Insurance of persons)
Chambre de la sécurité financière
Understanding the VRSP to advise SMEs.
The Voluntary Retirement Savings Plan (VRSP) combines the features of the RRSP with those of the defined contribution supplemental pension plan. Having a thorough understanding of this relatively new product can have a major impact on both employees and employers who enroll in the plan.This CE activity will allow you to comprehend your ethical and regulatory obligations pertaining to the distribution of the VRSP. You’ll therefore be able to fulfill your duty to advise and inform and issue appropriate recommendations to your clients in order to help them comply with the plan’s requirements.
This CE course is specifically for advisors in:
- Insurance of persons
- Online training activity including questions with feedback
- Duration: 2 hours
- Multiple-choice summative evaluation to be completed online
- Passing mark: 60%
- Prerequisite: none
IFP information