Colors are an integral part of the visual identity. Please make sure to download the appropriate file type for the chosen medium.




Contrast on color

The full-color logo on a white background (1) is the preferred and optimal application. Only this version is available for download. For black and white and reversed versions, please send a request to

The black and white version (2) can be used on a light background in publications that do not allow for the use of color. In some cases, the visual identity can be applied in reverse on a colored background or on a photo, but this should be done with discretion (3). Examples (4) and (5) demonstrate acceptable applications, as they maintain good legibility.

Logo CSF Identité visuelle en couleurs sur fond blanc (1)Full-color logo on a white background (1)

Logo Identité visuelle en noir sur fond blanc (2)Black and white logo on a white background (2)

Logo CSF Identité visuelle en noir sur fond blanc (2)Inverted logo on a colored background (3)

Logo CSF Identité visuelle en noir sur fond pâle (4)Black logo on a light background (4)

Logo CSF Identité visuelle en renversé sur fond à tonalité foncée (5)Inverted logo on a dark background (5)