Webinar on Women’s Savings

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Specialists discuss savings habits and retirement strategies for women in this free webinar, presented in April 2024 by the CSF and ÉducÉpargne. Take advantage of their innovative perspectives.

Specialists discuss savings habits and retirement strategies for women in this free webinar, presented in April 2024 by the CSF and ÉducÉpargne. Take advantage of their innovative perspectives.

For CFS’ members, please note that it is essential to follow the webinar on the CFS’s training portal to obtain the corresponding PDU. 

The webinar is also available to all on ÉducÉpargne’s YouTube channel.

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Income inequality during active working years has been discussed for several years, but other lesser-known sources of imbalance have significant impacts in retirement. Whether it's the impact of lower contributions, the division of tasks and expenses within couples, or women's approach to risk in investments, these issues benefit from being discussed during client meetings. Professionals can play a crucial role in overcoming obstacles for women to achieve a financially satisfactory retirement.